

Nifty Knacks

151 through 175

Back to where you came from. The same text in Greek.

  1. Before you decide to remove a stain.
    Find out about the fabric. Is it washable? Is it synthetic or natural? Do a test patch somewhere that doesn't show. Place a clean cloth under the area you want to work on so that it will absorb the stain as well as whatever you use to remove it. Spread the cleaning preparation on the stain and rub from the edges towards the centre.

  2. How to get rid of the halo.
    The stain has gone but has left a ghost. Get rid of it by holding it over a saucepan full of boiling water. The steam will get rid of the horrible ghost.

  3. How to get yellow marks out of tablecloths and sheets.
    The yellow marks that the effect of light leaves on white tablecloths and sheets that are left folded up for a long time disappear if you put the freshly washed and rinsed cloths in water with a little bleach in it (1 dessertspoonful of bleach to 1 litre of water). Rinse again, adding a little ammonia to the last rinse water.

  4. Precautions during use.
    Keep all dangerous products out of reach of children. Do not smoke during use. Some products produce toxic vapours, so you should wear a mask and always work with a window open. Wear an apron and protective gloves. Do not use cleaning fluids near a source of heat. Never mix bleach with ammonia or any acidic substances.

  5. Walking.
    If you suffer from poor circulation, no amount of massaging can ever do as much good as a daily walk of at least one hour. Your blood needs help to get back up from your feet to your heart. The body has two natural mechanisms to help achieve this. First of all there is the network of veins on the sole of the foot, which act like a sponge. Your body weight puts pressure on them with every step you take, and the blood is pushed upwards. Then it is the turn of the muscles in the lower leg. They pump the blood up with every contraction. However, this mechanism only works when you walk.

  6. Tan with care.
    There is no doubt about it. Tanned legs are more attractive than white ones. But that does not mean you should "fry" them on the beaches. Prolonged exposure to the sun plays havoc with blood circulation. Tan by all means, but do so while performing other activities. If your legs feel like lead weights, the best thing for you is wading through water. It cools you down, exercises and massages, all at the same time.

  7. Frequent showers.
    When you finish your bathroom routine in the morning, and in the evening at the end of a hot day, run the cold shower on your feet and legs. Start with the soles of your feet and work your way up to your ankles, calves and thighs. This stimulates the circulation. If you're brave enough, shower your whole body with cold water. It will make your skin more supple.

  8. Get off your feet.
    That is easier said than done, especially if you are a sales assistant or cabin steward for example. If you really are obliged to be on your feet all day, choosing your shoes with great care helps a lot. Shoes should be roomy and not squash your feet because so many blood vessels go through them. Heels should be between 0.79 and 1.97 inches high.

  9. Consult a specialist.
    A once yearly visit to an angiologist (a specialist in blood circulation) or to a veinal specialist (a specialist in veinal problems) is a must if you have sensitive feet. The specialist will be able to spot and treat any disorders in the blood vessels.

  10. Massage.
    When you get home after a particularly hot day, put your feet in a bowl of cool water for a while. Then give them a massage. For an even more soothing effect, roll a ball along the soles of your feet. Then massage with cream or gel specially made for tired feet. Work your way up past your ankles to your thighs.

  11. Say "No" to tight clothes.
    Empty your wardrobe of all those pop socks that constrict your calves and the trousers that squash your thighs and tummy, hampering circulation.

  12. Watch what you eat and drink.
    If you have problems with your feet and legs, start taking them into consideration when you sit down at the table. Cut out spices, strong stimulants (coffee and tea) and reduce your alcohol intake. On the other hand, drink plenty of water and infusions for tired, aching legs and feet (horsetail, red grapes, birch, etc.).

  13. Feet on the table!
    Put your feet up whenever you can, whatever the time of day. Put them on the table. Lie on the floor with your feet up the wall. If you are sitting down, put them on a stool. In short, give your return circulation a helping hand by putting your feet up higher than your heart whenever you feel they need a rest. You might also put some telephone directories under the foot of your bed.

  14. Say "No" to smoking.
    Smoke hardens arteries and has a detrimental effect on blood circulation. The damage done is even greater when smoking is combined with contraceptive pills, as this increases the risk of arterial inflammation in the lower limbs.

  15. Good activities for legs and feet.
    Go walking, cycling or swimming. Do gymnastics or go dancing. Avoid all those activities that frequently jolt the feet, like jogging, playing squash, skipping, doing aerobics or playing tennis.

  16. For chilblains.
    Boil 3.53 ounches of fresh burdock root in a litre of water for 15 minutes.
    Put 1.06 ounch of hempseed in a litre of water and boil for 15 minutes.
    Boil 0.88 ounches of dry birch root bark in a litre of water in a covered saucepan for ten minutes.

  17. For chapped skin.
    Before going to bed, massage your hands with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice.
    Apply cool compresses soaked in an infusion made from wild strawberries (1.77 ounches to one litre of water). Refresh the compresses three or four times.
    Rub cracked lips gently with a slice of cucumber.

  18. For dark rings round eyes.
    Treat the eyes to compresses soaked in an infusion made from the leaves or bark of a hazlenut tree (0.71 ounches of leaves or bark to one litre of water). Boil for ten minutes. Leave compresses on for thirty minutes.
    Cover your eyelids with two or three thin slices of peeled potato. Leave for fifteen minutes.

  19. For those tiny wrinkles round your eyes.
    Nourish the sensitive skin round your eyes with a special, moisturising cream.
    Encourage new cell growth and tone up the skin. Massage the skin round your eyes every night with your fingertips or with a special toning appliance.

  20. For roseate acne.
    Boil 7.06 ounches of lettuce in half a litre of water for two hours.
    Shell and finely chop six chestnuts. Boil for 15 minutes in 1 litre of water.
    Make an infusion with 1.41 ounches of lime blossom to one litre of boiling water.

  21. For cold feet.
    Sprinkle mustard powder inside your socks.

  22. Green lemons.
    A few drops of green lemon juice in any dessert or cocktail will give it a summery aroma.

  23. Get more juice from lemons.
    You will get more juice out of lemons if you handle them and squash them slightly before squeezing.

  24. Dried up lemons.
    Don't throw dried up lemons away. Leave them in water for a few hours and they will soak it up.

  25. Citrus fruit juice.
    Don't store juice squeezed from citrus fruit. It oxidises when it comes into contact with air. Squeeze citrus fruit as and when you need the juice.