Hints, Tips And Tricks
Download And Install A Free Greek Polytonic Font
Left-click here , in
order to open a new browser window and find out if your internet browser displays greek
polytonic characters. If you have downloaded and installed the Greek Polytonic Font and
still can't display greek polytonic characters, click here.
The steps for downloading and installing the free font, are easy to follow and have been prepared for the Second Edition of Windows 98.
If you have a different version installed, you may notice some differences. In this case, select the steps that resemble to the ones described here. In order to find out which version of Windows is installed on your computer, left-(double)-click on the My Computer icon which is located on your Desktop, wait for the My Computer window to open, then left-click on the Help menu and then left-click on About Windows.
here , in order to visit the official web page of MATZENTA Ltd., from where you will download the free font.
for the new browser window to open and load and then locate the link contained in the red
outline, as shown in the image below.
Please be advised that the image below shows part of the web page's contents and that the
red outline has been added for your convenience.
Right-click on the link, wait for a pop-up menu to appear and then left-click on Save Target As.
for the Save Target As dialog box to open and then select a location on your computer's
hard disk, where the file you are about to download will be saved. Wait for the download
process to complete and then close the dialog box and the browser window from which you
initiated the download. The name of the file you just downloaded, is mg010n_p.ttf.
The successful downloading of a file over the internet, involves many factors. Don't be
surprised if things don't go as expected. In case you fail to download the file, try again
at a later time.
Left-click on Start, then select Settings and then left-click on Control Panel.
Left-(double)-click on the Fonts icon and wait for the Fonts window to open.
Left-click on the File menu, then left-click on Install New Font and wait for the Install New Font dialog box to open.
Point to the location, on your computer's hard disk, where the file you downloaded has been saved and wait for MgOldTimes UC Pol Normal (TrueType) to appear in the List of fonts list box.
Provided that it is not already checked, left-click on Copy fonts to Fonts folder, in order to check it.
Left-click on the Select All button.
Left-click on the OK button.
You many now close any windows you opened while installing the new font, since they are no longer needed.
Left-click here , in
order to open a new browser window and find out if your internet browser displays greek
polytonic characters. If you have downloaded and installed the Greek Polytonic Font and
still can't display greek polytonic characters, click here.
Since we have already contacted the company asking permission to place their link, the link to the official web page of MATZENTA Ltd., has been placed on their suggestion.
Companies retain the right to revise the pricing and general policy of their products, without prior notice.
Since the pricing policy of the font we recommend is based on the freeware concept at this stage, the link to the official web page of the company, in no way can be considered as advertising.
Besides the fact that we have legally purchased certain products of the company, we hereby certify that there is no kind of relationship, commercial or other, between the company and us.
It is obvious that the company cannot be held accountable for the entire content of this web site. Likewise, we cannot be held accountable for the entire content of the official web site of the company.