In The Beginning
Texas Instruments TI-99/4A
Texas Instruments TI-99/4A. Dimensions: 14.76 x 10.24 x 2.76 inches. Keyboard: 48 key QWERTY typewriter style. CPU: TMS 9.900 (16 Bits) at 3.3 MHz. RAM memory: 16K expandable to 48K. ROM memory: 26K expandable to 58K.
TI BASIC 14K, 12K operating system. Graphics/Sound: 256 x 192 resolution, 16 colours, user-defined characters, 3 sound channels and 1 noise channel. Other languages: TI LOGO, TI PLITO, UCSD PASCAL, EXTENDED BASIC, TMS 9.900 ASSEMBLY. Connects to colour, or B&W TV and monitor, two typical cassette recorders, joysticks. Accessories: Expansion box, 32K RAM, RS 232 interface, communications modem, thermal printer, typical printer (RS232), 3 disk drives, 10 inch colour monitor. Miscellaneous: Human voice synthesizer (via voice synthesizer and modules), accepts a wide variety of modules for several different applications.
Texas Instruments TI-99/4A