Byzantine Emperors
The Byzantine Empire lasted for more than 1,000 years and like all Great Empires kept its secrets for itself (i.e. "Liquid Fire"; a dreadful weapon) and created legends (i.e. the Legend of the Stone-Stilled King).
The Hellenic Empire Of Byzantium
306337 | Constantine I (the Great) [Flags] [In Hoc Signo Vinces] |
337361 | Constantius |
361363 | Julian (the Apostate) [Flags] |
363364 | Jovian |
364378 | Valens |
379395 | Theodosius I (the Great) In 394 he abolishes the ancient Olympic Games [Contents]. |
395408 | Arcadius |
408450 | Theodosius II |
450457 | Marcian |
457474 | Leo I (the Thracian) |
474 | Leo II |
474475 | Zeno |
475476 | Basiliscus |
476491 | Zeno (restored) |
491518 | Anastasius I |
518527 | Justin I |
527565 | Justinian I (the Great) In 529 he "padlocks" Plato's [People] Academy. |
565578 | Justin II |
578582 | Tiberius II Constantinus |
582602 | Maurice |
602610 | Phocas |
610641 | Heraclius |
641-668 | Constantine III |
668-685 | Constantine IV Pogonatus |
685695 | Justinian II Rhinotmetus |
695698 | Leontius |
698705 | Tiberius III |
705711 | Justinian II (restored) |
711713 | Philippicus Bardanes |
713715 | Anastasius II |
716717 | Theodosius III |
717741 | Leo III (the Isaurian) |
741775 | Constantine V (the Copronymus) |
775780 | Leo IV (the Khazar) |
780797 | Constantine VI |
797802 | Irene (the Athenian) |
802811 | Nicephorus I |
811 | Stauracius |
811813 | Michael I |
813820 | Leo V (the Armenian) |
820829 | Michael II (the Stammerer) |
829842 | Theophilus |
842867 | Michael III (the Drunkard) |
867886 | Basil I (the Macedonian) |
886912 | Leo VI (the Wise) |
912913 | Alexander |
913919 | Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus |
919944 | Romanus I Lecapenus |
944959 | Constantine VII (restored) |
959963 | Romanus II |
963 | Basil II Bulgaroktonos |
963969 | Nicephorus II Phocas [Flags] |
969976 | John I Tzimisces |
9761025 | Basil II (restored) |
10251028 | Constantine VIII |
10281034 | Zoe and Romanus III Argyrus |
10341041 | Zoe and Michael IV (the Paphlagonian) |
10411042 | Zoe and Michael V Calaphates |
1042 | Zoe and Theodora |
10421050 | Zoe, Theodora and Constantine IX Monomachus |
10501055 | Theodora and Constantine IX |
10551056 | Theodora |
10561057 | Michael VI Stratioticus |
10571059 | Isaac I Comnenus |
10591067 | Constantine X Ducas |
10671068 | Michael VII Ducas |
10681071 | Romanus IV Diogenes |
10711078 | Michael VII Ducas (restored) |
10781081 | Nicephorus III Botaniates |
10811118 | Alexius I Comnenus |
11181143 | John II Comnenus |
11431180 | Manuel I Comnenus |
11801183 | Alexius II Comnenus |
11831185 | Andronicus I Comnenus |
11851195 | Isaac II Angelus |
11951203 | Alexius III Angelus |
12031204 | Isaac II (restored) and Alexius IV Angelus |
1204 | Alexius V Ducas |
12041222 | Theodore I Lascaris |
12221254 | John III Vatatzes |
12541258 | Theodore II Lascaris |
12581261 | John IV Lascaris |
12591282 | Michael VIII Palaeologus [Flags] |
12821328 | Andronicus II Palaeologus |
13281341 | Andronicus III Palaeologus |
13411376 | John V Palaeologus |
13471355 | John VI Cantacuzenus (usurper) In 1347, with the help of the Ottomans, he took control of Constantinople and became emperor. |
13761379 | Andronicus IV Palaeologus |
13791391 | John V Palaeologus (restored) |
1390 | John VII Palaeologus (usurper) |
13911425 | Manuel II Palaeologus |
13991412 | John VII Palaeologus (restored as coemperor) |
14251448 | John VIII Palaeologus |
14491453 | Constantine XI Palaeologus, Dragases [Flags] |