Harilaos Trikoupis (1832-1896)
Harilaos Trikoupis {Χαρίλαος Τρικούπης} (1832-1896) [Georgios I]. The greatest Greek politician of the 19th century, Harilaos Trikoupis, son of the historian Spiridon {Σπυρίδων} Trikoupis, had a clear mind and honest nature. He tried to imbue the politics of his country with moral and co-ordinated directions. He was three times Prime Minister between 1882 and 1895. He toiled to stabilize the parliamentary system of government and restore the country.
His work began with combating anarchy and the country's misfortune. That is why he avoided adventures abroad and worked to restructure the armed forces and all sections of the administration.
He paid particular attention to improving transport links, and supporting agriculture and industry. During his term of office harbours were constructed, merchantmen and warships were ordered, factories and schools were founded, and the first rail network was laid [Transportation].
In spite of this, the Greeks treated this great reformer of moral values and public life with ingratitude. They voted against him in the 1895 elections and forced him into voluntary exile in France, where he died of grief the following year.
was a visionary like all great men. One of his greatest visions, the 1.55-mile-long Rio-Antirrio Bridge (admittedly a difficult project because of the nature of the natural
environment) finally became a reality in May 2004!!! It should be noted that profits from
this particular project will go to the contracting construction company until December
24th, 2039! After this date, the bridge will pass to ownership by the Greek state, which
will take over its operation.
Harilaos Trikoupis (1832-1896)