

Nifty Knacks

676 through 700

Back to where you came from. The same text in Greek.

  1. Shiny nail polish.
    When your nail polish starts looking dull, give your nails a rub with a drop of oil. It brings the colour back to life and softens the cuticles.

  2. No more dried up roasts.
    Keep a small heatproof glass or earthenware dish full of water in the oven while your roast is cooking. The steam will stop the roast drying up.

  3. When boiling cauliflower.
    Counteract the smell of caulilflower by putting a cloth soaked in vinegar under the saucepan lid while it is boiling.

  4. Scale-free shower-head.
    Leave the shower-head soaking in a bowl of vinegar all day. It will get rid of the limescale.

  5. Opening airtight glass jars.
    When you have difficulty opening jars with airtight seals, slip the tip of a screwdriver under the rim of the lid and gently twist until you hear the inrush of air. The jar will then open effortlessly.

  6. Lemon fragrance.
    Counteract the smell of burnt food in your kitchen by boiling a sliced lemon in a saucepan of water for a few minutes.

  7. Multiple socket adaptors.
    Don't waste time trying to find out which plug belongs to which appliance, stick a label on each lead. That way you will always get the right plug first time when you want to disconnect an appliance.

  8. Light omelette.
    Add a dessertspoonful of water or milk while you are whisking the eggs and your omelettes will always be light.

  9. A clean mixer.
    To clean your mixer without dismantling it, half fill the bowl with warm water and a drop of washing up liquid and run the mixer for a few seconds. Then simply give it a rinse.

  10. Salt on your fingers.
    Rub salt on your fingers when you are cleaning fish or peeling onions. Not only will they not absorb horrible smells, but they won't be sticky afterwards either.

  11. Smell free plastic containers.
    Place washed and dried plastic containers in the fridge for a day and the smells will disappear. If traces remain, fill them with water and washing up liquid and leave to soak for a day.

  12. Onions without tears.
    Try chewing gum while you are peeling onions. You can also try leaving the cold tap running and peeling the onions next to the running water.

  13. A pleasant atmosphere.
    Leave a saucepan of boiling hot vinegar in the middle of the room for a while. Repeat if necessary. Vinegar counteracts unpleasant smells.

  14. Tight shoes.
    Are your new shoes too tight? Wear them around the house for a few hours with damp socks on. The leather will stretch.

  15. Pleasant smells from the kitchen.
    Simmer some cinnamon and sugar over a very low heat. It is the ideal solution for kitchens that cannot be shut off from the rest of the house.

  16. When corks won't budge.
    When a cork refuses to budge, wrap the bottle neck in a warm cloth for a few seconds. The cork will come out easily and in one piece.

  17. Fresh salad.
    When your salad plants have started to wilt, revive them with a "Scottish shower". Dip them in warm water for a few seconds and then in cold water.

  18. Stylish jewellery.
    One practical and decorative way to keep your fancy jewellery tidy is to hang it on the wall or on a mirror.

  19. Shiny silverware.
    Wrap your silverware in aluminium foil and boil it in a large saucepan full of salted water. The chemical reaction removes tarnish marks from silver.

  20. Broken lipstick.
    Carefully press the two halves together and leave the lipstick in the refrigerator overnight.

  21. Shoulders without hanger marks.
    Put old shoulder pads on coat hangers when you hang your clothes up so they do not leave hanger marks on your clothes.

  22. A perfect manicure.
    Rub some greasy cream round your fingernails when you are applying nail polish. That way, even if you do miss and get polish on your fingers, it will come off easily when you wash your hands.

  23. Cream on your skin.
    Make your perfume last longer by applying fragrance-free moisturiser to your skin first. Perfume lasts twice as long on well-moisturised skin than it does on dry skin.

  24. No knots in chains.
    Put a couple of drops of ordinary cooking oil on the knot and then give it a gentle rub.

  25. Don't keep sweeping the doorstep.
    A mat by the door will absorb dust and moisture, so you will not need to keep sweeping.
